Monday, January 23, 2006

Bloggers dilemma: Nothing in the news? No worries make something up!

Lie back? Open you mouth? Rapidly getting into libel territory...

Celebrity ex-baldies Cheryl Baker (see earlier post: An Epiphany on the Tube) and Shane Warne (who may still be considered a baldie in some circles after the product he endorsed was proven not to do a great deal. I'll say allegedly, I am sure I heard this but don't have the time or inclination to check this out) sprang to the defence of fellow baldie, and recently outed sexual deviant, Mark Oaten.
Cheryl sang, "♫Defecation is the name of the game and I want to play the game with you♫" whilst Well-Bowled-Warney cautioned Oaten to use a lot of spin.

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