Monday, June 05, 2006

Summer in the City

What a lovely day. Unless you got other issues going on, it's impossible not to enjoy it when the sun is beating down. I was enjoying a leisurely stroll across St James Park and it was really cool. However, I could not but notice the large numbers of police in the park. I know that it's location makes it a kind of hot spot (even when it's cold) but during my 5 minute walk I saw 4 policemen (2 sets of 2) on bicycles and two mounted policemen and then about 6 (unless they were wlaking in very quick circuits) regular beat bobbies and on leaving the park a team in a car. That's a lot of police presence!
The downside - well, how's about horse shit? There is loads in the park. Mind due if the photo opposite (lifted from the Metropolitan Police site) is accurate, it's hardly surprising that horses are left with irritable bowels after this training routine. I wonder if a mounted police officer on a chase would have to guide their mare through burning rings. Maybe if they're based in South London, I suppose. Anyway, as ever, I am off on a tangent...
I thought it ironic for two police officers to be talking to some vagrant, presumably on some ASBO related offence within smelling distance of horse turd laid with the regularity, and probably same consistency, as council employees digging up and relaying a segment of pavement. Which one is the ASBO? Personally, I think the homeless would get in a lot of schtuck for sh*tting in public but it's kind of accepted, de rigeur behaviour for police horses. I smell a rat, something fishy; or is it just horse shit?

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