Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blair: Have fun go mad, do what i say

A classic tune, I am sure you'll agree.

Got the following email from a Liberal Democrat chum:
"I accept the apology Tony just gave us on behalf of your whole party. You have all been very naughty over the past week and Tony is utterly blameless. But I forgive you."

It was great though. Tony (hands raised upwards, palms to camera): "Hey guys, I am sorry. You know me, I am pretty normal kind of guy, but that lot...I'm just sorry."

I knew it wouldn't happen but there were some things I would have loved to have happened:

1) "I resign with immediate effect"
2) "I will resign within the next 12 months and, live and in technicolour, am sacking Gordon Brown."
3) "Because Gordon has no balls, I am staying for a bit longer."
4) "Hi guys. What you all doing here?"
5) "I resign with immediate effect"

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