Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Curbs Your Enthusiasm, Rome (and the Boleyn) wasn't built in a day

Never let it be said that Egghead the Biscuitman is a man who doesn't know what he wants. It's a case of one Alan's loss is another Alan's gain. With Alan Pardew quietly bundled out of West Ham, he instantly pounces for ex-Hammer, Alan Curbishley. Well, I hope this signals an about turn in the Hammers' fortunes and I also hope Curbs can bring the best out of Tevez and Mascherano, two players who are far too good to be doing very little of worth.
Not that I am a West Ham fan, but the Premiership will be a better division when clubs like West Ham are safe and teams like the Pigs go down. Will also be interesting to see if Curbs can mastermind a win over Manchester United, as I believe every match in which he has managed against Manchester United has ended up in three points for the Red Devils.
And how's about my prediction of Dowie or Ranieri? Just goes to remind me why I am not a betting man. By the by, the incredibly ugly Dowie seems to be on his way to Hull. A suitable punishment.

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